Volume 11, Issue 8
August 2020


Our monthly newsletter addresses consumer insurance topics as well as timely information on issues affecting senior citizens in Louisiana.


To find out if Consumer Advocacy will be in your area or to request a speaker for your organization or group, call (225) 219-0619 or send an email to: [email protected]

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View Louisiana's Open Meetings Law on the legislative website by clicking here.

Important Medicare Message

Medicare beneficiaries are reminded that it is important to assess your care and prescription needs before making changes to your current plan. When reviewing plans make sure your preferred doctors and hospitals are in the network. In many cases services are not covered if a provider is out of network.

Remember, SHIIP partners with agencies throughout the state to offer free unbiased guidance. If you have questions, call us at 1-800-259-5300.


Before Classes Begin, Brush Up on The Basics

The month of August usually brings move in day on college campuses and shopping for school supplies. Students are entering a new stage of life and understanding insurance costs can help you manage your money.

Auto Insurance.  In most states, the law requires you to maintain auto liability insurance to cover losses caused by your negligence. To avoid penalties, pay your premiums on time and don't let your coverage lapse.

Renters Insurance. A policy can protect your personal property against damage or loss and protects you in case someone is injured while in your residence.

Health Insurance. Review your policy to determine your options and out-of-pocket costs. Know the difference between in-network and out-of-network providers.  

stop identity theft

Striking Out Identity Theft

Parents while you’re helping your student pack for the fall semester, remind them about the importance of protecting their personal information. Identity theft occurs when a person uses your personal information, such as Social Security number and date of birth, with the intent to commit fraud or to aid an unlawful activity. Once personal information is obtained, the person might open new credit card accounts in your name, open bank accounts in your name to write bad checks or take out a loan in your name. Here are a few tips:

• Avoid carrying your Social Security number and driver’s licenses together in your wallet.

• Shred pre-approved credit card offers and bills before disposing of them.

• Avoid putting outgoing mail in unsecured campus mailboxes. Instead, deposit outgoing mail directly in U.S. Postal Service mailboxes.

• Do not shop online or pay bills on a public computer.

• Limit the amount of information you place online, whether on a university directory or a social networking site.                     



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Office of Consumer Advocacy
(225) 219-0619 or (800) 259-5300

P.O Box 94214

Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9214
[email protected]